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Acristar Century

Enviromental-friendly water-based acrylic fungus and algae resistance, acrylic emulsion paint and as a finishing mainly for exterior wall surfaces.
- Its film provides excellent resistance against water, alkali and various types of solvents - Achieves remarkable bacteria resistance (germ resistance) performance and mildrew (Germ Environmental-friendly and odourless
Surface Preparation:
Surface shall be dry and free from dirt, dust, oil, grease and foreign matter. Surface unevenness, cracks etc. Shall be made good with our cementitious filler.
Application Data:
No. of Component: One
No. of Coat: Two
0.11 - 0.15 ltr/m2/Coat
0.22 - 0.30 ltr/m2/2 Coats
0 - 25% by litre with water
Overcoating interval: 2hours
Method of Application: By Spray, Brush, or Roller
Packing style:
20 ltr/can

Job References
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